Friday, 7 May 2010

Local Schools and Community Green Seaforth Rd

Young 'green team' helpers from local primary schools Our Lady Star of The Sea and Rimrose Hope helped local community group members plant annual flowering plants around newly planted trees on Seaforth Rd, Sefton.

Ben Greenaway Green Streets Coordinator for The Mersey Forest said "it is always a pleasure to see the enthusiasm of young people for making a difference to their local environment.This event shows the pride that local people have in their street environment".

The event was funded by Crosby Housing Association managing the Living Through Change funding as part of the Housing Market Renewal Fund.

Trees were planted through the Sefton Trees and Woodlands Department from a Section 106 allocation.Green Streets, that works with communities to plant street trees across Merseyside is supported by The Forestry Commission, through the Setting The Scene for Growth programme which is funded by the Northwest Regional Development Agency:

For more photos of the planting

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Tree Lined Streets For Seaforth !

30 new street trees were planted along the shopping and residential areas on Seaforth Rd between the railway station and the Caradoc Public House.

At the request of local residents groups and residents and businesses who chose what trees were planted and where, The Mersey Forest helped Sefton Council's Trees and Woodlands Team achieve part of what has become a rejuvination of the street environment across many parts of the borough.

Moving towards making Seaforth once again what one old lady remembers how it used to be?

Take part in our new pole coming up soon!

Monday, 22 March 2010

First pits dug in Seaforth

Today, contrators dug their first tree pit in what promises to be a succesful tree planting along Seaforth Rd.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Tree locations Marked Up

30 new tree locations have been marked up on the pavements by Sefton Council's Trees and Woodlands Team staff.

Tom Sullivan from the Seaforth Residents Action Group helped the Green Streets Team drop information leaflets through the letter boxes of residents and businesses along Seaforth Rd giving residents an opportunity to make any comments on the final locations of tree pits.

Tom Sullivan said 'after all the hard work the community is looking forward to seeing the trees in the ground at last!'

Local residents and schools will be holding a series of events to mark the planting of the trees this spring - watch this space!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Consultatation Event for Green Streets Seaforth

Residents and businesses in Seaforth have taken part in two consultation events held within the community on Seaforth Rd.Over 400 local residents were leafleted and invited to express their views on the tree planting and to ask questions about how it was being implemented.Visitors filled in tree request forms that had been previouisly posted to houses with freepost return envelopes.
Residents and businesses can choose a tree and opt to water it in the hotter summer months or when the tree needs water from the beginning of April.
Visitors were also asked about their local greenspaces on Seaforth Rd and the old Docktrack or 'Doggy' off Church Rd and Church Grove; what they used them for,what they wanted from them and what challenges were faced in getting people to use them more.
Green Streets intends to apply for further funding to improve local green space.

If you are interested in any of these issues or want to get invloved in an upcoming planting event please ring 01925 816 217 or e mail the project coordinator Ben on