Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Latest News! Seaforth Residents listen up? get involved!

The Liverpool Biennial http://www.biennial.com/
launched their Canal Project on the Leeds Liverpool canal earlier this year and concluded the project in September with a Canal boat parade to Bank Hall and a conference on Urbanism , How to make a Happy City.They set up a space in the Stella Precinct to talk to local residents.

Now Seaforth residents can use the old post office,blue shuttered here:
THE IDEAS SHOP is the (old) Seaforth Post Office, 18 Stella Precinct, Seaforth Rd, Liverpool, Merseyside L21 3TB ......250m south of Litherland Station......see below...

to talk to members of the Seaforth Residents Action Group to discuss ideas for improving Seaforth, planting street trees,get photocopying or just have a chat.
Open Monday mornings from 10.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Want to get involved with the Green Streets project?

Why not contact Ben at
The Mersey Forest
what's that?
e mail ben@meseyforest.org.uk or speak to him on 01925 816 217.

Perhaps you live in Seaforth or you have an interest in environmental matters and want to help with consultation or evaluation of this street tree planting project.
There are two residents groups in the area interested in the project,The South Seaforth Residents Group
ssrg@live.co.uk (Ann) and Seaforth Residents Action Group(SRAG)
seaforthrag@live.co.uk (Margy) who you can also contact via Ben (details above)
If you're not into groups it's not a problem get in touch!
What else is happening in Seaforth?
There's a new Shop at The (former) Post Office in the arcade of shops on Seaforth Rd.
The Liverpool Biennial are running a project in North Liverpool about the nearby Leeds Liverpool canal involving a resident artist and six other artists commissioned to work with residents in the area.Why not pop in for a chat with one

So is it all about art then?

No, it's alot about what you want to achieve in the spaces around the canal and in Seaforth, like possible derelict sites that can be converted into vegetable or fruit tree growing sites.

It's about using the Leeds Liverpool Canal as a recreational space for canoeing and learning about its history through conversations.

Why not pop in and have your portrait done? go to the North Liverpool project on http://biennial.com/content/LiverpoolBiennial2008/Urbanism2009/Overview.aspx
or take part in one of the upcoming events.See separate post above.
or take a trip into Liverpool to see more thats on at

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Seaforth's streets without trees

An abandoned shop New houses

streets without trees A site for some trees

Trees For Seaforth Streets

When Seaforth residents asked Green Streets Coordinator Ben Greenaway for trees on their streets they got more than they bargained for.They were'nt just going to get trees they would have to work towards them.As the saying goes Green Streets 'A Grant don't come for free' or was it 'a Grand' by The Streets?

Firstly they would need to find a funding source, then carry out some evaluation with residents to see what people in the area felt about their neighbourhood and the desire for trees.

From the outset it seemed that parts of Seaforth had trees but others seemed neglected and lifeless.Certainly some of the shops seemed to have been abandoned and there was green slime growing on the upper stories of some of the buildings.The pub had broken windows.It needed a little brightening up!...check in soon to see what happens next....

Contact ben on ben@merseyforest.org.uk or on 01925 816 217 for more details!
or to get an information pack and evaluation form.
Why not join our on line questionnaire at the top of this page!!?