Residents and businesses in Seaforth have taken part in two consultation events held within the community on Seaforth Rd.Over 400 local residents were leafleted and invited to express their views on the tree planting and to ask questions about how it was being implemented.Visitors filled in tree request forms that had been previouisly posted to houses with freepost return envelopes.
Residents and businesses can choose a tree and opt to water it in the hotter summer months or when the tree needs water from the beginning of April.
Visitors were also asked about their local greenspaces on Seaforth Rd and the old Docktrack or 'Doggy' off Church Rd and Church Grove; what they used them for,what they wanted from them and what challenges were faced in getting people to use them more.
Green Streets intends to apply for further funding to improve local green space.
If you are interested in any of these issues or want to get invloved in an upcoming planting event please ring 01925 816 217 or e mail the project coordinator Ben on ben@merseyforest.org.uk